Spring Soccer – LYSA will create as many teams as needed depending on the number of players to sign up. Currently LYSA anticipates we will have the following options available each spring. Age Division Overview (TBD) plus the U5 Academy.
Spring Academy (Ages 4-5)
- Players in the U5 Academy meet once a week for practices and have games Saturday mornings
- Players work on fun, simple activities to introduce core soccer skills (dribbling, passing, etc.)
- Players are on one “team” and will be split up for games using colored pinnies
- This age group will use a Size 3 ball
Recreation (Rec) League (Ages 6-19)
- All games are in Lebanon at Reese Park and no travel is involved
- Starting 2025 all teams will be split for boys and girls teams (no coed)
- Each team will play 8 games, with all scheduled games on Saturdays (morning session and afternoon session)
- End of Season Tournament will be over Memorial Day Weekend!
- All players will play in every game for over half of the time. Players are here to get game time and improve their game. Creating good, confident players is key, not winning!
- Team Sizes
- U7 plays 4 v 4 (no keeper) – 10 minute quarters – Size 3 ball
- U9 plays 6 v 6 (5 + a keeper) – 25 minute halves – Size 4 ball
- U11 plays 7 v 7 (6 + a keeper) – 25 minute halves – Size 4 ball
- U13 plays 7 v 7 (6 + a keeper) – 30 minute halves – Size 4 ball
- *U15 plays 5 v 5 (4 + a keeper)* – 35 minute halves – Size 5 ball
- *U19 plays 5 v 5 (4+ a keeper)* – 40 minute halves – Size 5 ball
- *U15 and U19 format may change based on registration numbers*
*More info to come about the changes to the spring season. Changes will be dependent on numbers in each age group.*
Each team will be built to have about 2-3 subs max, so attendance at practices and games is important!