Contact Us

Going forward, if you need to reach us, please email directly to as our webform for contacting us is no longer working.

Please make sure you have NOT opted out of receiving emails from LYSA. On your GotSport Account/Main Profile tab you should have the option to Opt-Out of mass email communication. If you selected the check box, please de-select it. 100% of the emails from LYSA Administration will come through GotSport and you will miss out on important information. IF you have checked all of this and you have not received a single email from LYSA or your coach, email us immediately!

Additionally, in regards to GotSport, please DO NOT ever pay for anything (the app/team app) etc. We do not recommend it, and we do not want you wasting your money on it. The best way to view GotSport is via their direct website and while on a computer (it is tricky but manageable on a phone or tablet.) If we could, we would not use this site, but we are mandated by Indiana Soccer. Apologies for all confusion and issues with GotSport, but we are here to answer any questions.


The mission of LYSA is to develop and enrich the youth in our community with the virtues of good sportsmanship, teamwork, commitment, and responsibility through the sport of soccer.

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