If you have ANY questions about registration, please reach out via email and I will try to resolve it quickly. We will only have two programs for registering, Rec (U5-U9) and Rec+ (U11-U19). Guardians should have ONE account for themselves and individual player profiles that are ATTACHED to their personal account. Please please, do NOT create multiple accounts. Please make sure to add as many parents/guardians to the player account as needed for better communication. The new system is very streamlined so we do not have to create multiple logins any further. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. We also highly recommend checking the “Getting Registered” instructions at Rules, Forms, GotSport Help for more information! Also, make sure the email you use is one you will use for everything LYSA.
Additionally, if you have any questions regarding the age groups, please see Age Groups and Info.
Please also help share our QR Code Registration Flyer
Please do not create new accounts for you or your player! If you (or another guardian) have already registered your player and cannot remember your account info, please reach out to us via email. If you need to be added to an existing player account (as the player’s guardian) please reach out. Multiple guardians can be attached to each player account to prevent duplicates in the system.
Rec (U5-U9) Registrations are open until March 1st.
Any requests for late registrations will come with a $15 late fee or be denied depending on timing/roster availability.
CLICK HERE for Rec Registration (birth years 2015 – 2020) Please note: 2015 birth years MAY sign up for Rec+ if they wish, but they will be playing in the U11 Rec+ League. This is a more challenging level of play and will require travel to neighboring communities.
– Please make sure if you have multiple players in this division to register them all before checking out.
U5 – 2019-2020 – $50
U7 – 2017-2018 – $60
U9 – 2015-2016 – $70
Rec+ (U11-U19) Registrations are open until March 1st.
Any requests for late registrations will come with a $15 late fee or be denied depending on timing/roster availability.
CLICK HERE for Rec+ Registration (birth years 2005 – 2015) There is an END OF SEASON TOURNAMENT at Ben Davis on May 17-19. Please plan to attend as we cannot alter teams should one team be short players. Additionally, the age group you select to pay for is the age group your player will be in.
– Please make sure if you have multiple players in this division to register them all before checking out.
U11 – 2013-2015 – $110
U13 – 2011-2013 – $120
U15 – 2009-2011 – $130
U19 – 2005-2009 – $140
Sock Size Chart for Registration
Expected practice days by age. EXAMPLE ONLY
The above link is to our attempt to help organize the spring season further. None of this is set in stone, but it is our hope to have a more structured plan to help not only the players, but to encourage new coaches as well. We will set practice plans weekly and help with set up during the technical training practices for U7 and U9.